Sunday 8 January 2012


I REALLY am not one for home remedies. Actually at best you can say I'm pretty sceptic. Usually because I tried them when I was younger and always ended up with a disgusting paste of whatever on my hair. Subsequently having to spend the next two days smelling of mayonnaise or olive oil or whatever I had been told to put on my hair after a summer on the beach.  But I've tried so many different conditioners and shampoos and my hair still looks duller than usual so I decided to give home remedies one last shot..
I did a recipe called the Banana Hair Mask
one banana
one egg
three tablespoons of honey
three tablespoons of milk
five tablespoons of olive oil
all blended together and left on hair for 15-30 minutes

My advice is that you put the mixture through the blender rather than just squashing the banana and mixing it all up like I did. DO NOT do this treatment before you go out. Make sure its a night where you stay in.


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